Set common configurations for the Bluedot SDK
Manage the userToken that is passed along with all events. This is used to validate subsequent events relating to registered orders.
Initialize Bluedot service with a given projectId. The given projectId will be searched against the GlobalConfig and return corresponding configurations.
Halt all SDK activities and reset all states to as it was before initialization. The installRef for the project should, however, still be stored.
Accepts a flag to request location from a browser. Note this cannot guarantee location will be provided as the user has to provide location permissions
Wave is a lightweight API that provides customer order updates that can be used on any platform. This data then propagates through the Bluedot Arrival platform, updating user status appropriately and firing any webhooks attached.
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This interface is the high-level entry point for integration with the Bluedot Javascript SDK.
To use the SDK, it is necessary to initialize with your projectId.
It allows you to send Wave events, create Hello Screen orders or refesh the SDK with reset function.